Press Intern

  • Intern

Company Description

The American Action Forum is a non-profit “think-tank” in Washington, DC dedicated to thoughtful, timely, politically informed policy analysis.  Our winter/spring interns will have the opportunity to work with top issue experts as they apply our research to breaking current events, network with DC leaders, and publish their own public policy research.


Every American Action Forum issue expert joined the Forum with an exceptionally distinguished background. Some of the experts you will have the opportunity to work with include Doug Holtz-Eakin, Sixth Director of the Congressional Budget Office and Ike Brannon, Senior Advisor for Tax Policy at the US Treasury.

Job Description

As an intern on the communications team, you will report to the communications team at the American Action Forum.  The communications team manages the communications presence for the Forum with the goal of engaging the general public, legislative decision makers, and industry leaders in informed policy discussions. The timely nature of the Forum’s research plays a key role in the press and messaging strategies used by the communications team, often providing opportunities for innovative problem solving.


A few examples of projects completed by previous interns in the Press Internship Program include:

  • Built and managed a press list
  • Drafted press releases and media advisories
  • Researched and tracked daily press coverage of the Forum, Network, Hispanic Leadership Network, and individuals



As part of the internship, your responsibilities will include but are not limited to the following:

  • Research assistance: Interns will provide research assistance and data collection for their issue area director when in the office
  • Event attendance: Interns will attend Capitol Hill hearings, private speaker events, and events held by other DC think tanks to analyze and report on the information presented
  • Forum event support: Interns will help promote, run, and evaluate all Forum events
  • Semester project: Interns will write a paper on a topic of their choice to be completed by the end of the semester. Issue area directors will assist the interns with their research and writing - the final papers will be published on the Forum’s website.

Hours and Compensation

  • Interns must be available for 20 to 32 hours per week
  • Interns will be provided an hourly wage to cover transportation and living expenses
  • Interns will be responsible for bringing their own computer/equipment



  • Excellent writing ability and communication skills
  • An interest in the politics and policies of center-right conservatives
  • Self-starting attitude
  • Quantitative skills are desired but not required

Additional Information

Please include in your application a preferred start date, resume, cover letter, and writing sample of less than 1,500 words.